
Mechanical Site is dedicated to providing useful calculators, converters, and other web tools for students, teachers, researchers, and professionals. Our goal is to make difficult calculations and conversions easy and accessible.

Mechanical Site was founded by Vishal Jaiswal to help both students just learning concepts and seasoned professionals streamline complex computations. As a student, I remember spending hours struggling through textbook formula calculators and converters – so I decided to leverage my knowledge background and web development skills to create this platform.

In addition to saving time with handy web-based calculators and converters, Mechanical Site aims to assist users in brushing up on the underlying mechanical concepts. We provide useful formulas, explanations, examples, and references with all our tools to make your learning experience more intuitive.

Our suite of calculators and converters is growing regularly. Please explore the site and make use of all our free tools – whether you need to calculate gear ratios, figure out pulley tension problems, convert between power units, or balance chemical reaction equations.

If you have a suggestion for a new calculator or converter that would be helpful in your work or studies, we would love to hear from you!

We hope you find the Mechanical Site to be a valuable resource. Please contact us with any questions, comments, or feedback. Happy calculating and converting!

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