How to Add Published Paper Manually on Google Scholar?

Know how to add paper manually on Google Scholar.

Google Scholar is a free and open-source tool that is used for academic research. It has information on academic journals, student reviews, coursework, textbooks, and educational resources. The site is of great help in selecting the right course for your child. It can be a supplement to a syllabus or it can be a complete guide to the academic path.

If you’re a student or researcher, Google Scholar is a powerful tool that can help you find the information you need. Here’s a quick guide to using Google Scholar to find research papers and articles.

First, go to You’ll see a search box where you can enter your keywords. For example, if you’re looking for research on the topic of obesity, you might enter the keywords “obesity” and “research.”

Google Scholar will then return a list of results. By default, the results are sorted by “relevance,” which means that the most relevant results will appear first. However, you can also sort the results by “date” or “citations.”

To get more information about a particular result, just click on it. This will take you to a page with a more detailed description of the paper or article. From here, you can usually find a link to the full text of the paper.

That’s all there is to using Google Scholar! With just a few clicks, you can find the research you need to help you with your studies or your own research projects.

Do you know that you can add your published paper to Google Scholar by the manual process?

Here, we will know how to put your published journal paper on your Google scholar profile page.

Add Published Paper Manually on Google Scholar

It’s a very simple method to make visible or searchable your published PDF paper on the Google scholar website. So let’s get started on it.

Publish your research and review papers here: Call for Papers

Follow these instructions:

Step 1: Go to and sign-in with your Google Scholar email.

Step 2: Click on “My profile
Step 3: After that click on the Plus icon and select "Add article manually" as shown in the below image.

Step 4: After that, a form will appear as a popup. Fill out the form, according to the instructions given below after the image.

1. Title:

Write the paper title.

2. Authors:

Write the author(s) name in this format. Suppose the author's name is Vishal Kumar Jaiswal. In this Vishal is the first name, Kumar is the middle name and Jaiswal is the last name or surname of the author. So, you have to write the author in this format "Jaiswal, Vishal Kumar".

If you have more than one author, then you have to use the same format. Let's take another co-author name, Ryan Watson. Then, you have to write the author's name in this way.
Jaiswal, Vishal Kumar; Watson, Ryan;

3. Publication Date:

It is very simple, write year/month. For example: suppose the publication date is October 2022, then you should write "2022/10".

5. Journal Name: 

Write the full name of the journal.

6. Volume and Issue:

Write the volume number and issue number in these boxes.

7. Pages:

Write the page numbers like 45-56.

8. Publisher Name:

Write the publisher name of your journal. Like IEEE, Scopus, Web Science, and more.

What are the alternatives to Google Scholar?

1. Microsoft Academic:

Powered by Microsoft Research, Microsoft Academic is a comprehensive platform that uses artificial intelligence to deliver accurate search results. It offers a wide collection of scholarly articles from various disciplines, along with features such as citation analysis and integration with Microsoft Office tools.

2. PubMed:

Specializing in biomedical research and life sciences, PubMed is managed by the National Center for Biotechnology Information (NCBI). It houses a wide range of scientific literature, with a focus on peer-reviewed articles and medical research. Advanced search filters and renowned journal indexing make it indispensable for researchers in these fields.

3. Scopus:

Scopus, developed by Elsevier, is a multidisciplinary database aimed at researchers from various fields. It covers articles from social sciences, engineering, humanities, etc. Scopus offers features such as citation tracking, author profiles, and research impact metrics, making it a valuable tool for gaining a global view of scholarly publications.

4. ResearchGate:

ResearchGate combines a social networking approach with an academic database, fostering collaboration and knowledge sharing among researchers from around the world. Users can upload their publications, connect with colleagues, and participate in discussions on specific topics, fostering academic camaraderie and direct interaction with experts.

5. CORE:

CORE (COnnecting REpositories) is an innovative platform that consolidates content from various open-access repositories and journals. It offers access to millions of research papers, including peer-reviewed and preprint publications, making it an excellent resource for scholars who prioritize accessibility and the free flow of information.

6. IEEE Xplore:

Focused on the fields of technology and engineering, IEEE Xplore is a digital library that provides access to a vast collection of scientific and technical content. It includes articles, conference proceedings, standards, and patents, allowing researchers to explore cutting-edge research in these disciplines.


JSTOR is a digital library that provides access to a wide range of scholarly journals, books, and primary sources. It covers several disciplines, such as the humanities, social sciences, and natural sciences. Its extensive archives and extensive coverage make it a valuable resource for in-depth research.

8. Science Direct:

ScienceDirect, offered by Elsevier, is a leading full-text scientific database spanning multiple disciplines. Includes a comprehensive collection of peer-reviewed journals, books, and conference proceedings. Researchers can take advantage of its advanced search features and extensive content to find relevant academic material.

9. arXiv:

arXiv is a preprint server primarily focused on the fields of physics, mathematics, computer science, and related disciplines. It houses a vast repository of scientific articles before they undergo formal peer review, providing early access to cutting-edge research and facilitating rapid dissemination of ideas.

10. WorldCat:

WorldCat is a global library catalog that allows users to search for books, articles, and other materials in various libraries around the world. It provides a comprehensive collection of resources and allows researchers to identify relevant materials in their areas of interest.

What is the h-index in Google Scholar?

The H-index in Google Scholar measures a researcher's productivity and impact based on their publications and citations. 

It provides a comprehensive assessment of their influence, surpassing traditional metrics. Analyzing an individual's H-index helps evaluate their contributions, recognition, and standing within their field. 

To increase your H-index, publish high-quality research, collaborate with esteemed researchers, promote your work, engage with the academic community, and cite relevant works

Understanding the significance of the H-index and implementing strategies can enhance your scholarly profile and attract collaborations, contributing to knowledge advancement. 

Commitment to excellence in research, dissemination, and engagement is key to achieving a high H-index.

The formula to calculate the H-index is as follows:
Arrange a researcher's publications in descending order based on the number of citations they have received.
  • Determine the H-index by identifying the point at which the number of citations equals or exceeds the number of publications.
  • For example, if a researcher has published five papers with the following numbers of citations: 10, 8, 5, 3, 2, the H-index would be 3. This is because the researcher has three papers with three or more citations.
The H-index is a valuable metric that takes into account both the quantity and quality of a researcher's work. By understanding the significance of the H-index and employing strategies to enhance it, researchers can improve their scholarly profile, attract collaborations, and contribute to the advancement of knowledge in their respective fields.

Are you facing difficulties with Google Scholar indexing your article? It's essential to understand the top 10 reasons why your article may not be indexed, as resolving these issues can significantly improve your chances of getting your content properly recognized and accessible in Google Scholar's vast database.

How to Add Published Paper Manually on Google Scholar?

I hope this method will help you to add your published paper manually to your Google Scholar profile page. It will help you index your paper. For more information. Please, write below in the comment box. You can publish your paper in a multidisciplinary international journal. Thank you!
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